Thursday, January 8, 2009

Food, glorious food.

Okay, I'm already slacking on this blog. I forgot why I started it. Justin's already outshining me with his 17 posts to my 2.

Here's something you don't know about me. I am incapable of tolerating hunger.

1. I used to cheat my fellow 4th graders out of snack. Why? Because I would always forget to bring snack on Thursday, when we did a snack swap and I didn't want to miss out. So I would just take out my lunch, peel the slice of orange processed American cheese off my bologna, and slap it in a brown paper bag, mayonnaise and all. Then my snack would go into the rotation and I would get to participate in snack swap (and no one would know it was me!). I'd always get some delicious home made cinnamon roll and some poor sucker got my cheese. I've told everyone I know this story ..why am I telling it again? That shit is funny!

2.One time Justin and I spent the night at a friends house out of town and when I woke in the morning I was so hungry I went searching and they had NOTHING. I ransaked their fridge and all I could come up with was a tomato. I ate it. Justin caught me. I felt shame.

3. When I agreed to work at this remote farm in Utah, I pictured all the delicious farm food I'd be eating, but it turned out that the husband and wife were anorexics (or somthing). They had adopted an older child from India, so he was apparantly used to eating 500 calories a day, but I was seriously suffering. I would spend all day clearing a field of wood and lunch woud be, "Oh, look Diane, there are there some berries over there". Dinner would be, "Oh, we're not very hungry, how about we just eat this can of refried beans and I think I have a tortillia somewhere under the couch". The only respite for me was Sundays when we'd drive into town and go to church. It was one of those fanatical, 15 member deals and it was located in an old house. I asked to use the restroom and was lead to the basement. I noticed one of the cabinets was open and I peeked inside and found an open package of dusty generic vanillia cookies. You know the kind, where it's like 99 cents for a thousand cookies. There's just rows and rows of them. I ate as many as I could and each Sunday I'd go down there and polish off another row. Heaven!

1 comment:

  1. That story from Utah is HILARIOUS! I remember you telling me that ;) I would have done the exact same thing... how could they eat so little? I unleashed the "Hungry-Marci" wrath on Jay last night as we traipsed around the freezing cold streets of Manhattan. I felt a bit remorseful later after I polished of two glorious fish tacos!
