Thursday, January 15, 2009


Facebook has gotten me thinking about happiness lately. There's a section called "About Me" and people write a short summary of what they do or describe the makeup of their family, etc. A few of my friends have written things such as, "I have a wonderful life! I'm so happy!". Or on their status updates there's mention of "What a glorious day it is!".

Ever since becoming a mother I have had many realizations that this is the pinnacle of happiness for me. Henry is the most important thing to ever happen or will happen to me. Everything else pales in comparison and I really find it difficult to imagine topping this. I know not everyone feels that way about having kids, but I do and I am very happy with this being my hugest ambition. Very happy.

But I would not be able to say, "I'm so happy!"

Yes, my personal life is a great success. My marriage, my career, my friends, my son etc. But because of the suffering of so many others, no, I am not happy. No, it's not a glorious day. Right now, as we speak, there's a 2 year old in Zimbabwe in PRISON, being kept in solitary confinement and only taken out to be beaten in front of his mother.

Read about it if you can:

And the crimes against humanity being committed in Gaza right now. The horrible suffering in Darfur. I mean, suffering is everwhere all the time. I try to put it in the back of my mind and just enjoy what I have and many times I'm succesful, but it's always there, and there's nothing I can do about it....but I for damn sure can't be happy.

Boooooooooo.....Diane's blog is a bummer.

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