Tuesday, May 19, 2009

I've been waiting to post about this until after I spoke with the woman who interviewed me for the last job I applied for.

So basically, I have earnestly been searching for a part-time job for about 4 months and there are very very few to apply for in my field. I think I've applied for about 5 or 6 jobs. I interviewed for a job at the place I used to intern and they called me a few days later to tell me the entire department had been laid off--BUT she knew of an agency looking for a temporary part time case manager (not my thing--I'm not a social worker--but beggars can't be choosers) . So I got an interview there and it was between me and one other woman. After not hearing from them for over a week I sent an email asking what up and she told me that they were choosing the other candidate but that she would call me and let me know why. I thought that was very kind of her b/c I have actually been asked that same question and I was not comfortable enough to tell the candidate why I did not hire them.

Anyway, she called me this afternoon and she was very very nice. She told me that overall the reason I was not hired was because the other candidate was fluent in Spanish (this is the 3rd time I have been the second runner up for that reason) but that she wanted to share with me that in future interviews I should be more energetic. She asked if I had been sick because it seemed like I had low energy. I practically laughed out loud because this was when my morning sickness began and I had to remove my sea-sickness bands for the interview so that I did not look like a weirdo --so I was pretty green and I did have low energy. She also mentioned that there was one question I stunk up the room on and that was when I was asked to describe a time when I've worked with a difficult client. This was very hard for me to answer because 1. I haven't worked in 2 years so specific clients are not fresh in my mind right now. 2. All clients are difficult. That's the nature of our work. I recall pausing FOREVER which I've never done in an interview before and my mind was just a complete blank. I rambled out some answer and when I left the interview I knew I'd bombed that question.But overall, I'm so grateful for her call and I feel like I have a better idea of what to expect in future interviews.

It's really weird to try and dip my toe back in after I've been out so long and now with #2 coming I fear what I worked so hard for in graduate school was for naught. I just don't see any way for me to work again for at least 2 more years. I can't leave my newborn baby with other people--I tried that with Henry and it was a disaster. I was sick with worry and I KNEW I could take better care of him than anyone else -AND-- I missed him like crazy. I couldn't concentrate at work (which is not okay in my line of work--providing therapy) so it wasn't fair to my clients, the employees I was supervising, my employer, myself, or to Henry. I know my/our decision to quit my job was the best decision I/we ever made in our lives. Henry is thriving. He is such a loving, sweet, fun and happy little boy, he learns easily, he is securely attached to us and also comfortable at school away from us. So--I do not regret any of this---but OF COURSE I worry about my career. I know my babies will benefit for a lifetime b/c of our choices and I know this is such a blip in time--I have my whole life to work and I should cherish every moment of this time--and I do--but ....


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Don't mean to always bring up PA, but we have very few native Spanish speakers around these parts (Virgina too). It would be unheard of for you to lose out to a lesser qualified person just because they hablar.
