Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Henry wishes...

If I had to pick today what Henry wants be when he grows up, just based solely on his current personality and reaction to seeing this I'm going to say something dealing with music.

Monday, April 27, 2009

Friday, April 24, 2009

Thursday, April 23, 2009

Mama's baby...

I just showed Henry this picture and told him that that's what the baby in mama's belly looked like and he said, "Go away baby, go away."

This is going to be awesome.

Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Maternal rage...

Yesterday morning I took Henry to the library for storytime. Afterwards, Ms. Elizabeth brought out her box of puppets and the kids took turns trying them on. Henry loves putting on puppets and making the sounds of the various animals. He was showing this mom who was sitting next to him his rhino and she did not acknowledge his existence. He kept putting the puppet in her face and saying, "Rhino." and she ignored him while watching her son. This was not an issue of her not seeing him, she just did not feel it her duty to acknowledge any other child but her own and I wanted to slap her. I'm not sure if this was just my hormones or what, but it really really made me mad. Like so mad I almost got tears in my eyes and contemplated saying something nasty. Of course I did not, thank goodness.

Henry began playing with the stuffed "Big Red Dog" and this woman's son wanted it. Henry is pretty good about sharing but of course this child was not asking and tried to take it. Henry was not going to let that happen and so this little boy screamed his head off. I've heard tantrums before but this was over the top screaming. The mom told him that Henry was playing with the dog and that he would share when he was finished and this boy howled even louder. The mom had to pick her son up and hold him, while my son stood at this woman's feet trying to give the dog to her and she actually had to leave the library with her son. (Again ignoring mine--but this time I understood).

So maybe she wasn't a jerk --just an overwhelmed mom. But still....how hard is it to say, "Yeah, Rhino".

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Saturday, April 18, 2009

If I were not a mom...

This would be my job. It's at LifeWorks where I did my internship. It's basically the closest thing to having a private practice but without the hassle of the business end of things. I did couples counseling, play therapy, group, individual, family, the whole shebang. It's basically an awesome job and they never have openings...so this particularly stings to see open.

Counselor I - Austin, TX

Description: Youth and Adult Counseling assists individuals, youth and families in dealing with the stress of day-to-day living by improving and utilizing their existing coping skills and creating effective solutions. Focusing on strengths, the program helps identify goals for short-term therapy and works with each client to explore issues and create effective solutions. The ideal candidate will provide strengths-based, solution-oriented counseling and crisis intervention services to individual adults, couples, children, adolescents, families and groups, in English and Spanish. They will also need to be able to maintain thorough, accurate, and timely documentation of files in accordance with program, agency, and funder requirements; provide intake, assessment, follow-up, and community outreach. The ideal candidate must have the ability to learn quickly in a fast-paced, high-demand environment; learn and use database software quickly and accurately; work independently and follow program and agency policies and procedures consistently without continuous supervision. This position provides the opportunity to gain hours toward licensure in a clinical setting, crisis intervention skills, and a supportive team based atmosphere. SOME EVENINGS REQUIRED. REQUIRED: 6 months experience providing direct counseling to individuals, adults, couples, children, adolecents, families and group in English and Spanish. Masters degree in Counseling, Social Work or related field; licensure as an LMSW or LPCi. Proficiency with PC and Microsoft Office products. PREFERRED: 3+ years experience providing direct counseling services; advanced licensure, board-approved supervisor certification. Bilingual English/Spanish. *Provides individual, couples, group and/or family counseling. *Provides crisis intervention with clients based on individual program needs. *Administers client services providing: intake, assessment, treatment planning, record keeping and documentation, case management, evaluation and follow-up, and by contacting necessary collaterals. Provides appropriate referrals; keeps apprised of available community resources. *Monitors program participants and maintains documentation of all services in accordance with agency and funding requirements. *Provides community outreach as required by individual program. *Follows licensure requirements as determined by program, agency, and/or grants.

Thursday, April 16, 2009

Home birth...

"The largest study of its kind has found that for low-risk women, giving birth at home is as safe as doing so in hospital with a midwife."

full story: http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/hi/health/7998417.stm

"In the UK, the government has pledged to give all women the option of a home birth by the end of this year."

Tuesday, April 14, 2009

My friend Shawna is nice

She sent me ginger tea and preggy-pops. They are helping. Only 4.5 more weeks to go!

(Till the nausea is supposed to end)

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Feeling better now...

Justin and Henry foraged all over town Sunday to find me some "Sea Bands" for nausea. They work incredibly well. It's not 100% but it's manageable now.

Just in time for us to all get some sort of cold or allergies.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Another day...

of feeling hungover. Only today Henry has diarrhea so that makes my tender stomach all the more tender. Justin's been doing 99% of the diaper changes but I bravely did one and had to call Justin in for back-up. I actually felt faint when I saw what was in the diaper. And then it felt like a sphincter in my stomach locked up and clogged for a second and the feeling passed.

Justin is out right now trying to find me some sea-bands. They helped tremendously the last time I was pregnant.

Friday, April 3, 2009

Today's misery

Okay...I've put my finger on "morning" sickness. It feels like I was out all last night drinking tequila and then I cam home at 4 AM and vomited for 2 hours and then got 30 minutes sleep and then had to wake up to start my day. And just like when I've been hungover, I feel like I need to eat and perhaps I'll feel better if I do, but every kind of food known to humanity makes me want to wretch...so I don't eat...and then I feel worse and worse and worse.

Only six more weeks of this (if I'm lucky). Yay!

Thursday, April 2, 2009

But I want an umpa lumpa noooooooooow

Since this is my blog..just for me..I'm going to use it to whiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine.

Beginning yesterday, I have started to feel like crap. My stomach constantly feels like it's 5 AM and I've been up for an hour and am so hungry my stomach aches and yet absolutely nothing sounds good to eat and the energy required to prepare food is so unreasonable that I'd rather just sit here in my own pee than get up.

I want to lay down and go to sleep for about 12 to 14 hours and when I wake I want buffet tables of food brought to me that I could pick over like Queen Elizabeth. And then I want the court jester to entertain me and when he's no longer funny I'll have him executed and then I'll roll over and go back to sleep.

Luckily I have Justin.