Sunday, February 1, 2009

Everyone on facebook is doing it...

For those of you who do not have facebook (crackbook), everyone is posting these lists of 25 things about themselves. It's actually really cool b/c most people have hundreds of facebook friends b/c it's a lot of people you used to go to school with. It's really interesting to read these things about people you would NEVER otherwise know. I especially like these lists but that's because I am so curious about people--to the point of being nosy.

Anyway, here's my list plus a few more I had to edit out because it was too many.

1. I married a guy I had a crush on since 9th grade. I knew we would be together one day when I held his hand during a school play we were both in.

2. Until 2 weeks ago, and with the exception of bedtime, I have never been away from my 20 month old longer than 3 hours. Now it’s 5.5 hours.

3. If I had to choose a different life for myself, I would be living somewhere rural or a small college town, working outdoors (farming or as a wilderness instructor again). I am not really a city girl. It would not be TX and there would have to be moutains or water nearby.

4. I think my husband is the hottest, funniest, easiest person to talk to. And I know a lot of hot, funny, easy going people.

5. I am really glad I did not die as a teenager b/c the song played at my funeral would have been Stairway to Heaven (I wrote specific instructions in my diary).

6. My favorite movies are usually documentaries and foreign stuff. I don’t necessarily think that foreign films are better than American films, I just enjoy removing my ability to judge people’s acting—which is easier to do when actors speak a language I do not understand (and also explains why I like documentaries, since they are not actors).

7. When I travel, I never care to see the tourist attractions. I like to rent a bike and ride around in neighborhoods to look at people’s houses. I will go to tourist attractions if the person or people I am with want to, but I tend to focus more on people watching and overhearing what other people are talking about--except when I saw Anne Frank's house. That was meaningful to me.

8. When I was younger I used to connect better with guys and now I feel the opposite is true. I have really grown to love (need) and appreciate the company of women. They get funnier with age.

9. I reguarly rocked and sang myself to sleep until I was about 18. My college roomie once walked in on me in the dorms and said, “That looks like it hurts.” I did not completely stop altogether until I was 25.

10. I doubt that “Everything happens for a reason”.

11. The thought of heaven seems really tedious to me and the traditional description of Hell seems absurd and simplistic and something an adult came up with to scare children from doing wrong. I’d prefer to just have this life and make the most of it now.

12. My best example to describe becoming a mother (to anyone who isn’t) is it’s like when you get a new car or new pair of jeans that fit you perfectly—and you go about your day with a little extra spring b/c you own that new awesome thing. It makes you feel giddy like you got a new car—everyday.

13. My favorite types of food are Korean, Japanese, Vietnamese, Indian and Mediterranean (in that order). I also like a good Jewish deli.

14. I spend about $200-$250 a week on groceries. This is our one and only luxury.

15. When Henry was 3 months old I returned to work and I was miserable. Justin and I were spending more time at Henry’s daycare than at work. So after much encouragement from Justin, I quit and it was the best decision I’ve ever made.

16. I have the reading tastes of a high school English teacher. David Copperfield is one of my all-time favorite books. When I’m not reading Steinbeck or Maugham, etc. I am reading a biography. My most recent fav was a bio about Winston Churchill’s mother. I know—his mother? She was American. It intrigued me.

17. I’m a matchmaker. There’s nothing that unsettles me more than meeting an intelligent cool and attractive person who is single. I get all worked up about who they would be good with.

18. I don’t watch TV (not because I’m above it but because if I have free time I’d rather watch a movie or read) but I was initially obsessed with the show The Bachelor (see number 17). I’ve since lost interest though.

19. I’ve recently become obsessed with the German Stassi...breadmaking and learning to play the drums.

20. I am almost incapable of buying anything impractical. I will LABOR over any non-food purchase and measure if I really need this thing, or just want it. The rare times I have to shop, I get really anxious and usually come home empty handed. I truly suffer when I have to buy a gift for someone—b/c gifts are usually by nature, impractical.

21. I’ve been in the same monthly book club since 2000 and have never, not one time, read the book. But I love those girls.

22. My sons birthday is 31 years and 364 days after mine.

23. When I was 24, three times I got last min deals for airfare about 3 hours before departing, to go to a city where I had never been and knew no one (San Diego, Denver, and San Francisco). All three trips turned out to be life altering experiences.

24. I once spent a weekend at a Carmelite Monastery outside of Dallas (Mt Carmel). I’d read on the internets you could stay at Monasteries like you would a hotel. I was the only one there besides the monks and I got poison ivy.

25. I got my private pilot’s certificate in September 2001. Bad timing.

26. Had I not become a therapist, I think I would have enjoyed being a nutritionist, personal trainer, or esthetician. I like helping people feel good about themselves.

27. There is not one day that goes by that I do not think about at least one of my grandparents.

28. I kept a journal from 7th grade until a few months after I graduated from college.

29. I made a piss poor effort in high school until I went to the guidance counselor at my high school and asked to be switched into AP and honors classes. She was confused because my grades were so abysmal that she did not think this was a good idea. I won her over and my grades improved DRAMATICALLY after that. My explanation is that I was just flat out not going to do work sheets or answer questions at the end of the chapter and so I got zero after zero. They don't make you do work sheets in AP classes. You take tests and you write papers. This also explains why I did so well in college and grad school.

30. I used to know a lot about music and bands. Then I married a guy whose enthusiasm for music vastly exceeded mine, and so now I just rely on him for keeping me up on things. Lame, isn't it?

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